We are an owner-managed, medium-sized family business. The entrepreneurial activities of the Züchner family date back to the year 1797. Building on this tradition and experience, acting in the here and now and looking responsibly towards the future, we are aware of our role and face up to it. We are convinced that the long-term success of the company is only possible on the basis of trust and fair cooperation, mutual respect, compliance with laws and standards, and social and ecological responsibility. For this reason, we have formulated eleven "guidelines". These are directed at all employees. We also expect the same from our cooperation partners, commissioned third parties and suppliers.
1. Laws and regulations
We comply with applicable laws and regulations in the countries in which we operate.
2. Forced labour, child labour, human rights
We reject all forms of forced labour and child labour. The age limits according to which employees are employed are based on the legal requirements.
We recognise the UN Charter of Human Rights as binding.
3. Corruption, fair competition
We reject corruption and bribery as defined in the UN Convention. We advocate fair competition with our partners as well as with customers and in the "markets we serve". Competition laws and antitrust regulations are binding for us. This includes, among other things, the rejection of price agreements, knowingly providing false information or acting unfairly. Minor gifts (gifts, entertainment invitations) that are unsolicited and not offered frequently are tolerated, provided that their acceptance or offer has no effect on decisions in the course of business.
4. Labelling requirements, consumer information
We recognise the right of consumers to product information and product labelling in order to make a qualified purchase decision. We provide this information transparently on the basis of legal regulations and industry standards and to the extent that is technically feasible.
5. Harassment, equal treatment, discrimination
We fundamentally reject any form of harassment, bullying and discrimination in the context of our corporate activities, in decisions (e.g. employment decisions) and in our daily dealings with each other. In addition, we condemn all political, religious and ideological extremism in the form of statements and actions.
6. Equitable remuneration
For us, it is important that employees receive appropriate remuneration. In particular, the statutory provisions on minimum wages and overtime must be observed.
7. Conflicts of interest
Personal interests between employees and/or a person close to them or between personal and business interests can lead to a conflict. Such conflicts of interest should be identified in good time and appropriately assessed in order to be able to derive suitable recommendations for action. Since even the appearance of a conflict can be harmful to both individuals and the company as a whole, a sensitive approach is required in this situation. The respective superiors are always available as contact persons or mediators.
8. Health and safety at work
The respective accident prevention and occupational safety regulations apply. To prevent accidents and personal injury, the employer provides "safe working conditions" and the prescribed health protection, necessary measures and the relevant information. Employees and visitors are obliged to observe the relevant regulations and to comply with guidelines, directives, rules and regulations, to follow the instructions of authorised persons and to wear the necessary protective equipment.
9. Data protection, information security
We respect the privacy of the individual, especially with regard to applicable data protection regulations. For us, this also includes the handling or non-disclosure of sensitive data, business secrets and confidential company and insider information.
10. Environmental protection
We are aware of our ecological responsibility. In our business operations we ensure waste avoidance, resource conservation and sustainable use of goods and consumables.
11. Consequences/entrepreneurial action in case of non-compliance
The perception and reputation of the company are determined by the behaviour of every employee. Illegal, but also uncooperative behaviour can cause considerable damage to the company. We are therefore all called upon to abide by laws and rules. In the spirit of collegial cooperation and mutual responsibility, we would like to encourage all employees to speak openly if the above rules of conduct are not observed.
As a company, we reserve the right to investigate and, if necessary, take disciplinary action for non-compliance, violations, infringements and disregard of the above points - whether intentional or negligent.
Hilden, April 22, 2020