The UN identication for dangerous goods is extremely important for bottlers and distributors of plastic packaging. That’s why we naturally offer you a wide range of containers with an appropriate approval.
Legal provisions regarding the transport of chemical-technical filling substances are specific – after all if it’s about so-called hazardous goods that have to be carried in containers that are subject to prior authorisation. Depending on the transport vehicle, way and destination the packaging has to withstand road holes, braking situations, collisions and big differences in temperature. So it is important that the packing for hazardous substances delivers what it promises.
Before a packaging for hazardous substances is available on the market, it has to be tested accurately. After the intense type examination the packaging gets an official approval issued by the competent authorities. The following points are checked:
After having mastered all tests the packing for hazardous substances obtains an approval number that’s also called UN number.
The UN number or better the approval mark for a packaging for hazardous substances delivers clear and specific information. This number is imprinted on an easily visible part of the plastic packaging. This is an example for the composition of a UN number:
UN 1A2 / Y / 100/ 19 / D / BAM 4256-AUK
UN = approval for maritime transport according to IMDG code
1A2 = drum with detachable lid
Y = product of the packaging categories II (tightness max. 1,2) und III (tightness max. 1,8), sometimes the tightness is indicated seperately, e.g. 1,2
100 = max. test pressure in kPa
D = coutry code (to indicate where the packaging was approved)
BAM = approving authoritiy (in Germany that’s Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, Berlin)
4256 = certificate/approval number
AUK = manufacturer’s abbreviation