Sustainability is very popular nowadays and preserving is one of the most sustainable methods of conservation. Using swing-top jars like Bormioli Rocco's Fido jars you don't leave behind any packaging waste. Moreover preserving in several Fido jars at the same time you need a relatively small amout of energy.
Fido jars: Preserving without prior knowledge
You can use Fido jars to conserve fresh food in salt and vinegar and to produce pateurised tinned food and jam in a simple and quick manner. If you use Fido jars for preserving you don't need any prior knowledge. This is a short instruction:
Step 1: Filling the Fido jars
- Cook and let cool down the filling good
- Fill and shut the Fido jars
- Always use Fido jars with a new rubber ring
Step 2: Fido jars in the waterbath
- Put filled Fido jars into a pot and add lukewarm water
- Boil Fido jars and keep the prescribed timeframe
- Let Fido jars cool down in the cooking water
- Has a vacuum been created? Check it opening the swing top of the Fido jars
- If swing top and Fido jars remain connected there is a vacuum
- For consumption remove rubber rings from Fido jars
- The vacuum is released and Fido jars can be opened
- For pasteurisation just use Fido jars with a maximum capacity of 50.7 fluide ounces (1,5 litres)
- Before cleaning the Fido jars in the dishwasher remove the wire clip
- Fido jars can be reused, but rubber rings should only be used once
- Rubber rings for Fido jars shouldn't be brought into contact with 100% fatty substances