WECK® gugelhupf

Baking in the glass has always been of the purposes of WECK® jars as these are heat-resistant up to a temperature of 200°C. The gugelhupf and muffin jars are new products that arise a desire for sweet and savoury pastry at first glance. By the way the WECK® gugelhupf jars can be used to make small terrines, soufflés and desserts.

  • 80 ml gugelhupf jar

    80 ml gugelhupf jar

    (2.8 fl.oz)
    Lid Ø 60 mm Art-No.: 566

  • [Translate to English:] 165 ml muffin jar

    165 ml gugelhupf jar

    (5.8 fl.oz)
    Lid Ø 80 mm Art-No.: 561

  • 280 ml gugelhupf jar

    280 ml gugelhupf jar

    (9.9 fl.oz.)
    Lid ∅ 100 mm Art-No.: 568

  • 450 ml gugelhupf jar

    450 ml gugelhupf jar

    (15.2 fl.oz.)
    Lid ∅ 120 mm Art-No.: 564

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